Vertical Life


Vertical life is a mobile app that allows you to log and track your progress and ascents in the gym. Our setting team uses this app to keep track of all of the climbs as they set them. By using it, you can search for climbs based on circuit grade or wall section and quickly find their exact location in the gym. After you finish your climb you can “tick” the climb log, rate, upload a photo, and comment.

The app is used internationally, so it also allows you to track other climbers and check leaderboards during competitions that run either through Vertical Life or through Evolution Boulders. The gym can also set boulder circuits and challenges in the app for climbers to use for training purposes (or just as fun challenges to add to your climbing sessions).

Along with being an indoor gym tracking software, Vertical Life also offers guidebooks for many of the world's most popular climbing areas.


Spray Wall Training


Circuit Grading